Internal Portal


SOP: SOP: Status Definitions

  • NOT STARTED: This task has not been started yet, one ist does please change the task by clicking into the ticket and selecting the correct status 
  • PLANNING: Used for when planning of execution work is being done.  Mainly used in content.
  • IN PROGRESS: Work on completing the task has started.
  • QA/UAT: Once development is done there should be a check of work either as Quality Assurance or User Acceptance Task.  This will be used mainly for development of websites.
  • CLIENT REVIEW: Used for Content and Website builds.  Before a site can launch or Content is published (there are exceptions see slide #) there will be a client review and sign off.
  • READY FOR GO LIVE/PUBLISH: Once the client has approved OR if something is ready for go live after QA/UAT it can be flipped to this status and the person responsible for the next part of the task should then be assigned.
  • PUBLISHED/NOW LIVE: Website/Page or content has not been pushed to the live site.  This will be the trigger for whoever is doing the Post go live QA/UAT to either do that or assign someone to do that.
  • POST GO-LIVE QA/UAT: The Account Manager should be alerted that it is in this status so they can go review, additionally the AM can alert the Sales Rep that there is something live. Once this has been checked to ensure it looks correct on the website then it can be moved to complete.
  • COMPLETE: Once task is done please mark it Complete to close it